Ugandan Prime Minister: Gays Are 'Abnormal' Like 'Mongols'

Missing your periodic dosage of bigotry and/or misinformation from the motherland? This should tide you over for a minute.

When defending himself against the backlash over his parilament's passage of a bill that would impose a life sentence LGBT people, Uganda's prime minister claimed 'abnormal' people, such as LGBT people or those with Down Syndrome, shouldn't be persecuted. During a speech at Foreign Affairs Ministry, Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi said those with "abnormalities" should not be the cause for abuse.

 "I think in our traditions, this is what I believe. Homosexuality is treated as an abnormality," said Mbabazi, according to U.K. LGBT site PinkNews. "Given that as a fact, how do we treat abnormalities in our society? Do you kill them? If you identify an abnormality and you say ‘let’s kill these abnormals,’ my conclusion is that you are the one that is abnormal. They need help. How do you treat your children who are born as, I don't know the word to use, mongols? Do you execute them, imprison them for life?"

Um, you like us? Homosexuality is already illegal in Uganda but the pending law seeks to outlaw the "public promotion of homosexuality," including discussion by LGBT rights groups. The bill is currently awaiting a signature from the country's president Yoweri Museveni, whose spokesman said he won't rush to sign it into law.

Watch the video below.
