Jacob Rudolph Testifies Against Reparative Therapy

Jacob Rudolph, the high school senior who came out to his class during a school assembly back in January is speaking out against reparative, or "ex-gay" therapy. The Parsippany High School senior has started a Change.org page to petition New Jersey governor Chris Christie to support legislation that would ban gay conversion therapy on minors.

Along with the petition, which has so far received 110,000 signatures, Rudolph spoke Monday before the New Jersey Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee in support of a bill that would bar therapists from attempting to turn gay minors straight.

“Like every other LGBT person, I am not broken, I am not confused, and I do not need to be fixed,” Rudolph said in testimony before the committee. “It is beyond baffling to me that anyone might actually believe that sexual orientation is a lifestyle choice that can be altered if desired. Even more disturbing, however, is that there are organizations whose sole mission is to ‘cure’ LGBT individuals of their orientation to truculent practices that have been deemed harmful and ineffective by the American Psychological Association.

Watch Rudolph's full testimony below.
