Chick-Fil-A's Dan Cathy Loves 'Biblical Families'

Sigh. Who else is so not surprised at this turn of events? Last month it looked like Chick-Fil-A had a glimmer of common sense when the company pledged to no longer donate to anti-gay organizations. Since then though it's been revealed the dispenser of Waffle Fries (which you can buy at any Wal-Mart in the continental US if you're really hard up for a fix) is still funneling coins to anti-gay groups.

Now CEO Dan Cathy has once again come along to throw and rub salt in the wound with his latest interview. "Families are very important to our country," Cathy said. "We're concerned about it being able to hang onto the heritage we have. We're supporting biblical families. We've always been a part of that."

Watch the word vomit spill out below.
