Scotland To Introduce Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Scotland may be the first country in the UK to have marriage equality, with ministers announcing a plan to introduce the bill to the parliament later this year.

The idea has already drawn an enormous public response, which according to the BBC, amounted to "77,508 responses in total, with 14,779 from outside Scotland,” reported the news agency. “Some 64% of those who responded [including postcard and petition responses] said they were against same-sex marriage. Excluding postcard and petition responses to the consultation from within Scotland the outcome shows 65% were in favor and 35% against.”

Both The Catholic Church and The Church of Scotland have voiced opposition to the idea, fearing the evil gay boogeyman (or woman) will barnstorm their churches and trample their religious freedom, even though government officials have assured that no religious organization will have to perform same-sex marriages. But some folks just love to get bent out of shape.

If all goes well, the first same-sex wedding could happen in early 2015. Both England and Wales's governments are considering marriage equality as well.

