Tracy Morgan Apologizes In Nashville

Tracy Morgan returned to the scene of the crime yesterday to again apologize for his anti-gay rant during show in Nashville, during which he said he'd stab his son if he were gay. Morgan sat at a table flanked by Kevin Rogers, the audience member who brought the incident to national attention with a Facebook post.

In front of a sea of cameras and reporters, Morgan vowed to change his act, according to The Advocate:

I didn't know; I didn't mean it," Morgan told them all. "I don't have a hateful bone in my body. I don't believe that anyone should be bullied or just made to feel bad about who they are. I totally feel that in my heart."
In a statement, Rogers said the apology "was sincere" and that Morgan "spoke from his heart."

Morgan is coming off a string of conversations arranged by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation with homeless gay teens and the mother of a man killed in a hate crime. Morgan claimed to have learned something since his infamous stand-up act.

"I really don't care who you love, same sex or not, as long as you have the ability to love," he said. "I don't really see gay or straight. I just see human beings now."

While all of this is great, the true test will be to see if Morgan will maintain this new stance in the long run. That will prove whether he's really had a change of heart, or if he's just in "I need to save my job/career" shock mode right now. Watch video of the press conference below.
