Gay Man Assaulted At Streisand Movie In Louisiana

Four gay men were allegedly insulted and assaulted at a screening of Barbara Streisand's latest movie Guilt Trip in Lafayette.Thirty-seven year-old Joseph Menard Jr. has been charged with two counts of simply battery. According to The Advertiser:

"Walt Jamison, 23, told The Advertiser that he and his partner and two gay friends met at a local theater Sunday to see the new Streisand movie costarring Seth Rogen, but were almost immediately assaulted by a man sitting behind them, who began by loudly referring to the group of men by a gay slur. 

When Jamison's partner responded with an inquisitive "Excuse me?" Menard "stood up and leaned over us and started screaming hate slurs peppered with profanities," Jamison told The Advertiser.

Another woman in the theater reportedly asked Menard to stop yelling, since her young children were in the audience, but Menard insulted that woman and told her to sit down." 

Menard then allegedy punched Jamison's partner in the back of the head, then took a swing at Jamison himself while his partner searched for management. Though Jamison's homophobic comments were noted in the police report, the case is currently not being investigated as a hate crime.

Read the rest HERE.
