New Campaign Encourages Black LGBT Youth To "Be Great"

Via Rod 2.0

A new campaign has been launched by a Chicago organization to end violence among black LGBT teens. The social marketing campaign "Be Great," was created in response to a series of violent incident involving black LGBT youth in the predominantly white Boystown area.

Frank Walker, founder and executive director of Youth Pride Center, says "Be Great" was created as a response to community outrage over the attacks. "[The community meeting] was getting away from the actual topic, which was: How do you deal with violence?" Walker told Windy City Times. "We believe every person should live in a safe neighborhood. We don't believe that it's racist to say that. ... Nobody wanted to hear what the youth had to say, and there's a big difference between what youth are saying and what adults are saying."

The campaign showscases posters and video made by youth on their Facebook page. All submissions will be judged, and the winning print entry will be placed in the Windy City Times and be distributed among the youth as a palm card. Watch the compilation video below.


Unknown said…
We need more of this!