Great Gay TV Moments: Aunt Viv's Dance Audition

Don't front. No matter how hard or masculine you may act now, you know as a little gay boy you LIVED for Janet Hubert, a.k.a the first Aunt Viv on The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air. No disrespect to Daphne Maxwell Reid (who's actually married to Tim Reid, a.k.a Ray from Sister Sister--chile they were making paper in the 90's! But I digress.), but Hubert killed this role.

Aunt Viv was poised, intelligent, articulate and classy, but could also be sassy, sensual and athletic as well. You knew as soon that hands went on her hips she was about to read Will, Uncle Phil and whoever it was that was working her nerves at the time. But her best moment, the reason why she is the better Viv, came when she decided to return to dancing after a 20-year absence, and proceeded to leave the young girls gagging. Don't act like you didn't hit that snap with her after she finished! Watch below.


Unknown said…
Yeah she was the best in that role!