Into The Heart Of Ignorance

I saw this over on Son Of Baldwin and had to post it. In his video for "F*ck A Book," comedian Aries Spears hilariously swekers the arrogantly ignorant, money-over-bitches, materialistic gettin'-money-by-any means philosophy that is all too pervasive in much of modern day hip hop. And like all good parodies, its humor is only dampened by the fact that it seems tragically all too real.

While I do feel "party" music is just as necessary to hip hop and other musical genres as more introspective/intellectual stuff (you can't fight the power 24/7), it is the lack of creativity and innovation that bothers me. Naughty By Nature, Biggie, Missy, Wyclef, Outkast and others have all created what could be labeled as "ignant party music," but still managed to embue their songs with some measure of artistic ingenuity, be it the flow, the production or the visuals, something that many "ringtone anthems" lack.

Watch below:


book comedian said…
Thanks for sharing that was super funny!