Mechad Brooks: "I Won't Marry Until Gays Can"

In an interview with, True Blood's Mechad Brooks(or "His Royal Hotness" as I refer to him lol:), spoke out strongly for gay marriage. When asked about his own plans to get marriage, Brooks said:

I haven’t even gotten that far. But yeah, I want a wife, I want kids. The whole thing. But I’m also not even concerned with marrying somebody until it’s legal for everybody to get married. And what I mean by that is the whole Prop 8 thing.

I find it really offensive. I just find it really problematic when you start throwing people’s rights away. Until we get our gay brothers and sisters back into a realm of consciousness that everyone else is in, it’s just not right. A woman who’s getting married — it’s probably going to be a gay man who made her dress, and a gay man who’s doing her hair and makeup, but he can’t get married. How messed up is that?

Sexy and intelligent. How about that? Mr. Brooks also talks about his aversion to clothing in the interview. Read the rest here.


Prince Todd said…
I'm just seriously sad he's straight! lol

I call him Mehcad the GOD and he need to hurr up and take some more shirtless pics. Hell, take fully nude ones!

I love him...teeheehee.